I'm pretty sure this blog post will be all over the place! So much has happened in the last few months since moving to California and I'm feeling blessed, excited and scared!
Some of these dreams, are not my own, I share them with Devin, and it's amazing when we can sit and visualize not only our life together in the present, but also in the future!
A while ago, around the New Year, I started reading
"The Secret", and ever since then I've tried to use its theory. Positive energy and thought will reap positive things in your life. I've always been a pretty positive person, but have always doubted my ability to go through with certain things all the way. I'd try to reach out for something I truly wanted, when things got too tough or weren't exactly going my way, I'd turn slightly negative about it and give up.......never knowing what or how things would have turned out. The bottom person in the picture below is me ;-)

So here I am, in California......what does this all have to do with "The Secret", my dreams, and goals??? Well, when I started reading "The Secret" I kinda thought....WTHECK is this?? So I figured, why not give this over positive thinking a try. Things that I put out to the Universe (yeah it sounds,weird, but you gotta read it to understand) didn't happen right away, some things did.....but not big things, those took time. SOOOO again, back to "here I am in California" I basically willed this, I put it out there and it happened. California was my husbands first pick on the dream sheet, BUT NOT his first JOB pick. He had bigger goals, he wanted to specialize in his rate. Unfortunately this job wasn't available when we went over our "dream sheet" although there was a job in California he could do....it wasn't his dream job. I felt super bad for him, he'd worked so hard, come so far in the last several years, and just wanted this job that he basically been grooming for. I kept saying, hey, you never know, you really don't! Just throw out there that you've already got the job! Tell yourself that, and I'll tell myself that. 4 months later he got his assignment call........he got his "#1 pick" in California (the one that wasn't truly his dream job), BUT they had another offer for him, and guess what it was? HIS DREAM JOB!!! A spot had come open on the team!! So we'd still be in California, but it would be the job he wanted for so long!! NOW how crazy is that? I did, for 4 months, pretend that he had that job, knowing that it was a huge long shot, basically impossible, but trying to keep those negative thoughts out of my head, trying to focus on this job for him.
TODAY is when it hit me, that maybe this secret thing isn't so bad? It seems that ever since he's had this job, opportunities have just been knocking on both our doors. I was so scared to not commit to a commuting job, and stay home and be a housewife and do my Beachbody job solely. BUT I put out there I was going to MAKE this work, I put my passion out there to the universe. I'm going to help people with their health goals, and dreams and I told myself I wasn't going to fail, that failure isn't an option.....and guess what? I'm saving for our 2014 trip to Hawaii, and our retirement home!! AND the best part, our debt will be paid off by the end of this year! LESS THAN 5 months!! I wish I could post what our debt is, but I don't like to get that personal, plus it scares me. Maybe when I feel comfortable, and we are out in 5 months, I'll write a blog about it......I mean, it probably isn't scary to most people, but let's put it this way....I hate student loans......

Another big goal I've been contemplating and putting out into the universe, although I know NO ONE HERE, is running another Ragnar! AND my opportunity came knocking a few days ago!! I'll be running the Napa 2013 Ragnar! I'm truly excited, and although I don't know a single soul on my team, I know it'll be crazy, just like my first experience! I'm really looking forward to this! Isn't it crazy, I'm looking forward to no sleep, packed in a van full of sweaty people who haven't showered in 2 days........yeah, that's right!! HAHAHA It's all about the wine at the finish ;-)
So right now, I'm going to throw my goals out to the universe. I'm going to keep my positive vibe going, I won't let anyone bring me down....and I'll keep dreaming big! I'm going to be re-doing my dream board, and it'll reflect from now until New Years!
ON TO BEACHBODY NEWS- Since it is AUGUST 1ST (WOWWW) we all know (or at least most of us) know that there is a new challenge pack on sale! BUT THIS MONTH there are TWO challenge packs on sale!
TurboFire and
Body Beast!!!
The break down: Each workout is originally $180.....they are now $160 for the month of August!!
TurboFire is originally $80 by itself. So you're getting TurboFire for $80 and
Shakeology for $80!! You get Shakeology for $25 less than what I get it for and $50 off original price!!!
OR if you look at it this way Shakeology is $129 so you'd be getting TurboFire for $30!! Either way you look at it, it's an amazing deal!!
Now to break Body Beast down, basically, it's the same thing, but Body Beast is originally $90 by itself. So you're saving even more with this deal!
And don't forget......Free shipping on Challenge Packs!! So that's even more money saved!! Such a great investment to make for yourself and your health! DREAM BIG!!