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I'm Amanda! I'm a Beachbody coach and this blog is to hopefully motivate and encourage anyone who is trying to live a healthier life style. Why do it alone? It's a proven fact that with encouragement and positive motivation from other people, you are more likely to keep going!! I'll try to have motivating tips, recipes, healthy transformations and how to get involved and join the monthly challenge groups that I run!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

8 and 9 of the Ultimate Reset are DONE!

Alright, I'm in the Release section of the reset, which is week 2.  I finished day 8 and 9 of the Ultimate Reset.  I started taking the Detox packet, and actually, it's really good.  I think it taste a bit like tea that has some spices in it.  Not quite like Chi tea though.  It's doable, but it does have a very grainy texture.  I did have some minor lower back and knee discomfort again on day 8, but NOTHING on day 9!!  YESSSS!!  I do notice my forehead breaking out a bit, I'm pretty sure it's from the lack of my Shakeology.....OH how I MISS THEE!!!  I had a little adult acne but when I started drinking Shakeology it cleared up!  I stopped for about three weeks in September to test my theory and the breakouts came back.  SOOO back on the amazing Shakeology I went!  And my face cleared back up, but sadly.....I had to stop for the reset :-(  The Vegan formula is approved for snacks, but ONLY if you need a snack.  Maybe I'll just start back up on it again for the sake of my skin!!  I really do miss it!  I also miss working out.  I've been doing about 20 minutes of yoga and a little bit of stretching, but I WANT TO WORK IT!!  I can't WAIT to start my 90 days of TurboFire.  I'll be starting a new challenge group, solely TurboFire, so if you have it let me know if the 19th or the 26th of November work for you!!  I'd love to hear your thoughts!!  If you don't have TurboFire, and want to get in the action......just hit the purple "TurboFire" and it'll take you directly to the page so you can order it. 

 This whole reset has really been a breeze for me.  I haven't had any crazy cravings or feeling like I need to munch, except for when I'm watching a movie or on my last break at work (big munch times for me)  I'm learning that clean eating is awesome, and tasty as well!!  I'll be incorporating a lot of these recipes into my daily meals.  I DO miss eating meat, so I know I won't be going vegetarian, but I will be cutting down on the amount I eat.  I'm not going to lie, now that I think about it.....I miss pasta!!  I'll be cutting down on that as well.  We'll see how I feel in the coming days.  I have 12 more days left!  I've been staying away from the scale and the measuring tape for now.  This reset really wasn't about the weight or inches.  Mostly to see how I feel when I eat better, how my energy levels are, and how different my muscle tone is, because they say, "Abs are made in the kitchen".  Not really sure why the chick is grabbing herself in the picture....but I want her boobs.......and body for that matter ;-P  Wait, that sounded bad...meaning I want to look like that!!  Okay so on to the food! 
The food portion has been perfect, and most of the time too much for me to eat, and I haven't been hungry between meals, unless I go to long between lunch and dinner.  This usually occurs when I'm working.  Day 8 I had an assortment of fresh fruits for breakfast.  Lunch was my micro salad with tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, avocado and toasted pumpkin seeds with the ginger dressing.  For dinner I had brown rice and beans seasoned with a bunch of spices.  I also had steamed green beans with zucchini sprinkled with lemon and some Himalayan sea salt.

Day 9 I actually had Miso soup for breakfast and some avocado with mashed chickpeas with olive oil drizzled on it.  I also made this yummy condiment called Nori Gomasio that consists of toasted sesame seeds, nori, and Himalayan sea salt.  Grind it all up and sprinkle it on!!  Lunch was actually left over brown rice and beans, and also another salad just like day 8.  Dinner was amazing!!  I had roasted asparagus drizzled with olive oil and sprinkled with the sea salt.  I also made a sweet potato and roasted red pepper bisque.  I roasted the pepper myself and the whole house smelled like, well, basically what you'd think a Grateful Dead concert smells like ;-)  Anyways, it was delicious!!!!  So there you have it!  Another 2 days DONE!!
Oh and the Miso soup was Hunnie approved, every time I have it he has to have my last sip!

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