About Me

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I'm Amanda! I'm a Beachbody coach and this blog is to hopefully motivate and encourage anyone who is trying to live a healthier life style. Why do it alone? It's a proven fact that with encouragement and positive motivation from other people, you are more likely to keep going!! I'll try to have motivating tips, recipes, healthy transformations and how to get involved and join the monthly challenge groups that I run!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Petaluma Life So Far

Boy, it's been a crazy week!!  Movers came on the 28th and 29th of May to pack.  They came back on the 30th to haul it all away.  I'm a little worried on how our stuff will show up on the 7th.  They packed the truck rather sloppy, putting things on Devin's bike, and stuff on my treadmill, the grill next to our brand new box springs........ugggggg!!

My treadmill better be okay.....

 We left our house on May 31st for the first part of our trip.  Our cats did really well, Hunnie only got sick once and little Shadow is always a trooper!!  Hunnie seems to throw up the first 5 minutes of any trip, so I always throw a towel that we won't use in his carrier, and take it out and throw it away once he's done getting sick.  Our first day we drove 6.5 hours, it went by pretty fast.  We passed some forest fires in Grants Pass (about an hour from our hotel), the smoke was really thick, fire trucks and police where everywhere.  It was crazy!  Wish I got a picture, but we wanted to get the heck outta there!    

******Fast forward to today***** I typed the top half about 1.5 weeks ago and never finished!!!  Ugggg!  Anyways, we are pretty much settled into our new place, and to be honest?  It's a lot nicer than I thought.  For some reason, I've always been opposed to living in Military housing.  I've always heard so much iffy stuff, so far I am truly blown away with how awesome the housing is here, how helpful the housing people are, how nice the base is, the wild life is amazing, the views are gorgeous, and I get to hear our National Anthem at 8am, and Taps at sunset everyday!!!  We have a cute coffee shop (think Starbucks) bowling alley, bar, pizza joint, subway, a new movie theater that plays movies BEFORE they come out.  Also there's a sweet running trail/path and Devin get's to walk to work (actually, you can walk everywhere on this base!)...the list goes on and on!! One of the things I was worried about was privacy, even though we have town homes on either side of us, it still feels really private, we have a nice fenced in yard.

Grass has since been mowed and in the process of becoming greener
I've actually decorated, and been hanging pictures all over, something we haven't done since we lived in Mystic CT almost 11 years ago!  We just never got around to making our houses feel like a home.  So far, the house our home is almost done, along with the 50 trips to Home Depot, Bed Bath and Beyond and Michael's.  Now we're just waiting on about 16 more boxes and some big items, like the bottom of my treadmill :-(  NOT sure how the moving company managed to bring my top half, but not the bottom.........I'm a little ticked off, since we only had 5,500 pounds of stuff (we're aloud 11,000 before they start charging us).  We keep calling the moving company, and no one answers or calls us back!  We've left several messages!!!

On to the health aspect of my life, once we got to our new place, Devin and I ended up doing the 3 day Shakeology cleanse.  It was pretty tough this go around, because my husband always wants to eat, eat,
eat.  But we managed, and my sweet cravings have been reduced, and I feel so much better!!  I was also going to re-start P90X  but instead, my other half talked me into doing Insanity, since we don't have all my weights (due to those boxes that haven't arrived)  Soooooo we started Insanity on Monday (the 10th) and so far I'm really liking it!  The good thing is, it's only two months, so if I do get picked  up to run the Nike Women's Half Marathon (I should know in a few days!!!!), I can do two months of Insanity/running, and then concentrate solely on running until my half.  Once I'm done with the half, I think I'll do Rev ABS and then Body Beast.  I'll try P90X again after I do those two programs.

So, that's a wrap for now, I'll try and start blogging on a regular basis.  I'll even have pretty pictures of our place all set up!!!  But for now, here's a few pictures of a beautiful winery in Sonoma......Sonoma and Napa are sooooo close, this could mean trouble ;-)

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