My Focus T25 journey is over.....actually, it's been over for some time now, I just haven't blogged about it yet! It took me a little longer than the 10 weeks to get through it, more like 12 weeks due to a few unforeseeable events, but hey, the good news is, I didn't give up!
Truthfully, I wanted to give up, workout style is more about weights because I feel it benefits my body more, and the first 5 weeks of Focus T25 (Alpha) is solely cardio. Once I finished the first 5 weeks, the Beta portion had some weights in it, so I liked that a bit better.
I ended up throwing in some Body Beast Legs on one of my off days, and instead of doing double T25 on Fridays, I would do T25, and then something that involved lifting.
The program is excellent for those that love cardio, and love to mix it up....and especially awesome for those that need something short and sweet. Twenty five minutes? I'm pretty sure we can all fit 25 minutes somewhere in our day.
On to my results! NOW I'm really sad to say, my original after pictures were deleted while I was monkeying around with my camera and trying to upload them, I actually had to take new pictures, and they where AFTER Vegas!! The measurements I took are from after the program, not after Vegas, although I can assure you, not much changed :-)
I lost 2 pounds, and 3.25 inches....NOW before you all gasp and say, all that work and that's all??? Remember, I've been on this journey for a while, and I'm at the point in my journey that I will have little changes from here on out. AND that's okay!! I'm not looking to lose anymore weight....I'm looking to tone up and get stronger AND FEEL HEALTHY!! The closer you are to your goal, the slower progress is. Does that mean I'll stop, NO because nothing feels good as HEALTHY does!! Not everyone needs to lose weight, BUT everyone needs to be healthy!
I lost .25 in my chest, .5 in my waist, .5 in my belly, .50 in my upper right and left thigh, and .50 in my lower left and right thigh. My bum stayed the same, although I do see some lifting going on.
Just to give you all a visual on how far I've come the last two years. The first picture is when I started my journey, until now. The second picture is actually my before and after for ChaLEAN Extreme, and how I look now.
Right now I'm doing Beachbody's new program called PiYo! It's very different than what I'm use to, no jumping around like a crazy women! I finished week one, and then started over again to stay with my challenge group. I'm really excited with the way I feel, and I will blog about this next week!! Stay tuned!

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