About Me

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I'm Amanda! I'm a Beachbody coach and this blog is to hopefully motivate and encourage anyone who is trying to live a healthier life style. Why do it alone? It's a proven fact that with encouragement and positive motivation from other people, you are more likely to keep going!! I'll try to have motivating tips, recipes, healthy transformations and how to get involved and join the monthly challenge groups that I run!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Catching up!

I've been crazy busy this last few weeks!!!  SO much to blog about........work has kept me pretty busy with the holiday's rolling around the corner.  Devin's leaving again soon, so I've spent as much time as I could with him and had a great time as always, so many amazing memories <3  Our picks are here for the big move next year, and they will be official on October 1st, I'm praying that they change a little bit, but so far, since the 17th of September, nothing has changed.  I finally did the Kiss Me Dirty run in Portland this weekend and it was a blast!!!  My amazing friend Jill ran it with me.

This coming Sunday is the Great Columbia Crossing, and to tell you all the truth, I'm not sure I'm really ready for it.  I've been so bad about running this last month.  I know I can finish it, I know I can run the whole thing, but I really wanted to finish in an hour or less, and I KNOW I won't be able to do that.  Oh well, at least I can say I did it!!!

Speaking of October 1st, I was going to do the Ultimate Reset, but my sister is coming to visit from New York on the 9-23rd so I'm holding off until the 29th.  I'm pretty sure she'd shoot me if all we did was eat super healthy and not be able to drink ;-P  I really, really want to do this reset, and if it means doing it on my birthday, so be it!  I'm so excited to share the journey with you all and to do this for myself as well. 

So summer is over, and so is my 60 Sweaty Days of Summer challenge, and MAN it was amazing!!  The girls really brought it home the last few weeks!!  I'll post some of the 60 day changes sometime this week on another blog post.  I've kept that private facebook page opened for them so we can all continue to keep each other updated on our progress.  Plus a few of the girls are doing ChaLEAN Extreme and that's actually a 90 day program, so I want to keep them motivated.....because the last 30 days of the program are amazing!!!  SOOOO what's next??  I'm doing the Fall into Fitness 60 day challenge starting on October 1st!  I have 2 spots left, so please get a hold of me if your interested in joining up!  I'll fill you in on the details and answer any questions you may have!  I think it's perfect timing with the holidays coming up.  Instead of gaining that 10 pounds, you'll pretty much stay even if you splurge or maybe even lose a few pounds!!  Plus we all know about the New Years resolutions that we all make.....to be healthy, toned, lose some weight ect ect.  LET ME HELP!!  Join this fitness challenge on the 1st of October and make working out a habit!!  Get that jump start before everyone else!

Lastly, I've wanted to share this with anyone who's been thinking about joining Beachbody as a coach.  If you have a passion for fitness, love reaching out and helping others with their goals, and also keep yourself motivated, this IS for you!!  I just want to say, so far this journey has been amazing.  I love to help people with their health and fitness visions, encourage people, and keep myself motivated.  Who knew that becoming a business owner was so much fun?  It's seriously one of the best decisions I've made, because not only have I connected with people I haven't talked to in a while, but I've also made so many new friends!  Just recently our 15 star diamond head coach in our group "Team Dynasty" did our weekly team call, and this one really hit home.  So take a listen if you've been thinking of joining as a coach, and if you have any questions, please let me know!!  Start on slide 13, you can go back and listen to the first 13 if you'd like Team Call.  If you are military or a military spouse all of the start up fees (honestly, they are not that much!) are waived.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing!:) Yeah if it was expensive Chris wouldn't have gave it a try. But we are both excited, well me of course probably more cause i've been in it longer and know how AMAZING this is. You just gotta want it, and if you have that mind set that you want to change your life, better it, while helping others. You WILL go far!! Great Blog, and great picts. Wish I could've been there!
