About Me

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I'm Amanda! I'm a Beachbody coach and this blog is to hopefully motivate and encourage anyone who is trying to live a healthier life style. Why do it alone? It's a proven fact that with encouragement and positive motivation from other people, you are more likely to keep going!! I'll try to have motivating tips, recipes, healthy transformations and how to get involved and join the monthly challenge groups that I run!

Friday, October 5, 2012

OHH CANADA......Ultimate Reset talk, Bridge Run and more!!

Are you from CANADA????  Well, if you are, and have a passion for fitness, helping people achieve their fitness goals and financial goals, as well as reaching your fitness and financial goals this opportunity is yours, become a Beachbody Coach!!  Take it and become a leader!!  Message me below if you're Canadian and READY to make a change in your future!!  AND if your not Canadian, and this all sounds amazing to you, message me!!  Let's change your life, let's start NOW, help end the trend of obesity in our countries, one person at a time, because that is Beachbody's vision and they need us to help!!

OKAY.....so I got wicked excited about all of that, really, it's been a great 5 months with Beachbody so far, and the extra income is awesome, but the joy of actually helping people reach their fitness goals is one of the best feelings!!  When my friend and fellow coach Rebecca wanted me to take her pictures for her 60 day Turbo Fire results, she seemed so upset.  Rebecca felt like she hadn't made any progress....her results shocked her, and the look on her face of pure surprise and joy once she saw the before and after pictures actually choked me up!!  Now, I did nothing more than introduce her to Beachbody and Shakeology, it was her PURE DETERMINATION, HER WANT AND DRIVE that got her to day 60 (and going into day 90 strong)  Look at these results!!  AMAZING!!  Whenever you start a new fitness program, it's sooo important to take those measurements and pictures!  The number on the scale can be so deceiving!!  Becca happened to be part of the "60 Sweaty Days of Summer" Challenge, and I still have a few openings for the "Fall into Fitness" challenge starting on October 15th.  LOOK what your body can do in 60 days!!  Do you WANT this?  Message me for details!!

Soooo yeah, on to some 10K Columbia Crossing news!!  I finished the race!!  The incline that lasted almost a mile was a B*TCH!!  BUT I didn't stop running, I just kept moving, and probably cursing the whole way up it, knowing that what goes up, must go down...right???  I didn't score the time frame I wanted, but I was only a minute off, I wanted 1 hour 5 minutes.  I came in at 1 hour 6 minutes and 5 seconds.  Not too bad!!  Half the race I was carrying my Iphone and my running jacket!  It was a stunning day, I guess one of the nicest days they've had in some years for the run. 


 The dude on the stilts actually "ran" the race!!  He finished a little after me.  My amazing friend Jill came to cheer me on, and took a few pictures, sadly she forgot to give me my "prize" for crossing the finish line, so it sits in her fridge (at least I think it still does ;-P )  Until I decide it's time to down it, which will probably be next week LOL. 
As you all may or may not know, but now you do...my little sister is coming to visit me this coming week on the 9th!!  I'm BEYOND excited!  I've pushed back the start of my  21 day Ultimate Reset until October 29th, which means I will be doing this during my 36th 25th birthday.  I just got everything in the mail today along with my new Dani Johnson book on personal development within yourself and business.  I will take before and after pictures, and pictures of the food and of course blog daily once I start the reset, and I'm super excited to share this with you all!!

 Once I get through the Ultimate Reset I will start 90 days of Turbo Fire and once I hit my 60 days, I will be adding the advanced addition.  I will definitely miss ChaLEAN Extreme and lifting, BUT once I hit my 90 days with Turbo Fire, I'll switch back with CLX and start lifting again.  At least I will still have Chalene in my life for the next 6ish months ;-P, she's so motivating!! 


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