About Me

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I'm Amanda! I'm a Beachbody coach and this blog is to hopefully motivate and encourage anyone who is trying to live a healthier life style. Why do it alone? It's a proven fact that with encouragement and positive motivation from other people, you are more likely to keep going!! I'll try to have motivating tips, recipes, healthy transformations and how to get involved and join the monthly challenge groups that I run!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Day 10 of the 21 Day Fix

Today was day 10 of the 21 Day Fix, and it's going wonderful!  I'm not hungry between meals at all, and I'm also surprised that Devin isn't either.

I've lost .5 pounds, but honestly, I'm not looking to lose weight, just inches and gain muscle now (lean up).  When you start getting close or at your goal weight, pounds don't usually drop off as fast.  And I'm okay with that.  I've measured my chest (below my breasts), waist, belly, hips, upper thigh, and lower thigh (not each) and have lost 3 inches all together.  Everywhere but my chest :-)

Devin on the other hand has lost 8 pounds, and lost 2 inches in his belly.  He only let me measure his belly area, because that's the only place he was concerned with.  His progress is from doing the portion control part only.  If you follow me on my LIKE page, you'll know that he's been fighting off bronchitis this week.  He's finally better and we went for a run yesterday.

I'm going to post below our meals, and I also post them daily on my like page, and on Sunday I post our weekly menu as well.  This is what our menus look like for the last two weeks

Week 1

                                                                   Week 2

This is how many of the colors we can have per day...doesn't look like a lot, but like I said, we are not hungry during the day :-)  Also, the containers look tiny, but they will totally fool you!  Not all people will eat at this level, there's a formula behind it!

Here are days 2-10! (Day 1 was on the last blog I posted)

This week (until the 28th) is the last week of the sale price for the 21 Day Fix Challenge pack, and the good news?  It's no longer on pre-order!  So far I've seen amazing results from eating what we normally eat, but less of it (and don't even miss feeling STUFFED) and making sure we don't over do bad carbs, and fats.  I think that's key, a balanced "diet"

The base kit is still on pre-order status, and won't ship until late March, so if you want it fast, and don't mind trying Shakeology (who wouldn't? It's amazing) the I would suggest getting the Challenge Pack!!

The workouts are amazing as well.  My abs have been sore all week!

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