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I'm Amanda! I'm a Beachbody coach and this blog is to hopefully motivate and encourage anyone who is trying to live a healthier life style. Why do it alone? It's a proven fact that with encouragement and positive motivation from other people, you are more likely to keep going!! I'll try to have motivating tips, recipes, healthy transformations and how to get involved and join the monthly challenge groups that I run!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Last week of Ultimate Reset Notes, and YOU CAN try it to!!

Hey everyone!!  I feel really bad that I never updated days 10-21 of the Ultimate Reset like I promised!  Everything went really well, and honestly, days 10-21 were much like days 1-9.  The food was plentiful, and really good.  I did end up getting a pretty bad migraine on day 13 I believe, BUT it was more hormonal related....if you catch my drift!!  There were also a lot of people on the group forums that talked about all this energy that they got in weeks 2-3.  I honestly never got that energy and I'm not sure if it was due to my period coming that week.  I'm usually VERY, VERY tired that week but I did noticed that I wasn't AS tired as I normally feel.  I didn't feel dragged down.  I also cheated on day 18 and had some pasta at a girls get together.  I made my food and brought it over....but the Italian in me just couldn't stop my mouth from watering, and I just had the worst urge.  Honestly, I'm pretty excited that I made it 18 days following the plan!!  I think I did pretty awesome!!!  I did learn quite a bit, and as far as post-reset goes, I actually am feeling WONDERFUL right now, better than I have in YEARS!!  I've had quite a few things on the menu again.  Trying to stick to eating healthy still and the food was soooo good, I don't mind mixing it in the weekly plan!  My energy has been through the roof.  Although, like I said, I wish I actually felt like this during the reset.  Working out got me pretty winded the first week, but now I'm just having a blast with TurboFire!!  YES!!  I finally started TF and it's going so well.  I really like it, although I DO miss lifting.  I'll get back to ChaLEAN Extreme once my 90 days of TF are over.  I'm in the middle of week 3 right now.  There are a ton if  things I DID learn about the Ultimate Reset I want to share some of the things that stuck out the most, including some more food pictures and then I will get to my stats and HOW YOU can try the Ultimate Reset for the New Year!!

  • I finally know the true meaning behind "abs are made in the kitchen"  If you've been wondering WHY you haven't seen amazing ab results from working out.....it's because you need to eat healthy non processed foods!!
  • This isn't your "NORMAL" cleanse!!  It's not the "eat once a day, drink your lemonade concoction the rest of the day" YOU WILL EAT and you will eat a lot!!  Three times a day, BUT the meals are HUGE!
  • If you drink anything with caffeine, you'll want to clear it out of your system before you start, or you'll have a headache for the first 3 days FOR SURE!  Luckily, I don't drink caffeine, so this didn't happen to me.
  • I rested well, had really strange dreams though.
  • Figuring out what actually FUELS my body!  When you eat bad, you body craves nutrition, so it begs for more food......once you start eating nutritionally dense foods, your body won't crave as much, because your FEEDING it what it needs!
  • Have time to prep the food!!  Look ahead and READ the recipes to see what you need to prep.  I work different hours almost daily.  I made a schedule weekly and wrote out what I needed to do to make this WORK.
  • The first week of shopping was pretty expensive for most people.  It cost about $200, but most of the stuff you re-use for week 2 and 3 so groceries for those weeks were in the $50-75 range.  I usually spend about $175 a week to feed Devin and I........so it wasn't really that bad.
  • A few days after the reset I wanted some beef a roni, well.....that tasted like crap!!!  And so did the Hosteds Cupcake I bought (yeah, I know, bad!!). I threw them both out after 1 bite and never looke back!!
  • Discovered that I'm a big muncher!!  I eat while I'm working on the computer, I eat while I'm watching TV, and not healthy options either!  WOW this really opened my eyes to why I wasn't really making the big strides that I thought I should be making!
  • Realized how much I missed my Shakeology!!  It just adds the extra oomph I need in my day, with no caffeine or stimulants.....also without it, my face just goes CRAZY!!  I ended up adding the Vegan formula back into my schedule towards the end of the reset.   
I did this reset to basically see how my diet directly makes me feel, and to reset my body.  It was an amazing journey and one that I WILL do again!!  In 6 months I will re-follow the meal plan without the supplements.  Next November I plan to do the whole thing over again with the supplements!  So on to my stats.  I didn't do this to lose weight, and they try to STRESS that this IS NOT a weight loss program, but if you do lose weight, then that is an added bonus (and most people DO lose weight).  If you are closer to your goal weight you probably won't lose a ton.

  •  I ended up losing 5 pounds, and in the  3 weeks since the reset, I've gained 2.5 back.  BUT it's that time of month again, so about a 1.5 of it is just bloat
  • I stayed the same in my arms
  • Lost 1 inch in my chest 
  • Lost 1 inch in my waist
  • Lost 1.5 in my belly area
  • Lost .25 in my butt
  • Lost 1 inch in my upper thighs
  • Lost .5 in my lower thighs. 
SOOOO I lost almost 5 inches in my body!  I've gone up a little on that as well, but like I said, it's not a good time of the month to be measuring my body!

Here are a few more pictures of my last few meals

IS the Ultimate Reset something YOU could do??  Sure!  Almost anyone can do it!!  The question is if you have the drive to do it!!  I think the perfect candidate is someone that would like to learn to make better choices with their food, someone who'd like to lower their cholesterol, reclaim their body, help your body run more efficiently, jump start a workout program or all of the above!! 

Beachbody has a special going on for the next few weeks!  It's time to start 2013 on the right foot!  Between December 3rd and December 16th: My customers will receive $30 off the price of every Ultimate Reset Base Kit, Deluxe HD Kit, Ultimate HD Kit, and the Ultimate Reset Challenge Pack!!   If you have any questions at all, please email me at Hunnieshadow@yahoo.com or get a hold of me on FaceBook or comment below!  Once you buy any of the kits or challenge pack, I will personally correspond with you daily to answer any questions you have and to encourage you (trust me, you'll need it!!) and also connect you to the Facebook pages you'll need to get through!

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