About Me

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I'm Amanda! I'm a Beachbody coach and this blog is to hopefully motivate and encourage anyone who is trying to live a healthier life style. Why do it alone? It's a proven fact that with encouragement and positive motivation from other people, you are more likely to keep going!! I'll try to have motivating tips, recipes, healthy transformations and how to get involved and join the monthly challenge groups that I run!

Monday, January 13, 2014

I Offer a Service to Help You

As my Beachbody business grows, I'm starting to get a lot of questions asking me EXACTLY what I do......I have been asked this a TON lately.  Some are from people determined to start leading healthy lifestyles, some are people who are just curious.  The one thing I've discovered in talking with many of you is that there is some confusion as to what I actually do and how I get paid as a Beachbody Coach.  People think I work for "Shakeology" or am a personal trainer. Or, they think they MUST live in my town for me to help them, all of the above is not necessarily true.

Think of my Coaching role as the online conductor of an orchestra. Many people don't realize that there are many "parts" to weight loss. Nutrition, fitness, personal motivation, time management, mental strength, commitment and support. EACH of these play a vital role in the over all success of your journey. I don't do just "one" thing. I don't even "do them" for you, but I lay out a map to help you. I orchestrate all your goals and support you on your entire journey. I AM that person that cares if you don't "show up". When you are struggling, I am that person that will believe in you and show you the way again.

As Beachbody coaches yes, we have products we can offer you. These are our TOOLS. From building a house to baking a cake, having the right TOOLS can make ANY process, easier. Sure, there ARE other successful ways to lose weight, our way just comes packaged in one simple, easy to follow program in your own home with online support. You don't have to understand nutrition implicitly, Shakeology provides that for you. Why do we promote these specific TOOLS, like P90X, Brazil Butt Lift, Insanity and over 30 others programs? Why do we endorse Shakeology? Because we KNOW that these tools WORK. They have worked for us, and thousands of others. We are living proof that if you just follow the plan as it's laid out each and every day, and drink your nutrient dense shake, YOU WILL GET RESULTS. But, like everything else in life, they only work- IF YOU DO. Our tools are not quick fixes or gimmicks. They are a LIFESTYLE.

What happens socially when someone loses weight? They get PRAISE and then loads of QUESTIONS. Questions like, "How did you DO that?! How much time did that take? What the heck are you eating?" You get the idea.... When people start SHARING their personal results and journey with others that want help, that is what we call, PAYING IT FORWARD. This organic process of paying it forward creates a growing "team" of coaches who want to help other people…that help other people ....that help other people.

How that ripple effect of that ONE person can positively better the lives of hundreds of others, would truly blow your mind. Do we get REALLY FREAKING EXCITED over this process? You betcha we do!

So, do we get paid for helping others??

Here's the thing: there is hardly any service out there that is free.  I host free challenge groups from time to time because my passion is to help people, this is what I love to do!!  BUT being a Beachbody Coach is also my livelihood; my job.

Keep in mind, that the people that bag your groceries, they get paid.  The people that serve your food, they get paid.  The person cashing you out at the store, they get paid, the person cutting and styling your hair, yup, see where I'm going with this, they get paid!  The person at the gym training you, they DEFINITELY get paid.  Those are all services, and I offer a service as well.  If people truly want to live a healthier lifestyle, and workout, most likely no matter where you go, if you sign up for a program that offers support, you're going to pay.  Why not pay someone who CARES about your goals, and wants to find the perfect workout for you.  Someone that will be there for you at all times for less than what you would pay for a trainer at the gym, with hardly the same type of support?  And when I get 'paid' by you, it's not going to be a monthly charge for working out, because you OWN your workout program!!

A Beachbody Coach offers something so beautiful and the system is very unique.  I am here to support, encourage and to hold and keep you accountable.  This is my job, and I take it seriously!

I get objections all the time about the price of our programs, and Shakeology- and I get it, believe me!  BUT if you truly want to get healthy and serious about your health and fitness, you will work with your budget to allow room for this......I did, and if I did anyone can!  Think about this: When you get things for free, do you value it?  When you buy something expensive, do you use it more because you paid for it?

When you invest in something for your health & well-being. You will truly appreciate it, more readily commit, and work harder for it.

So there you have it!

For those that have been on the fence about paying it forward and becoming a Beachbody Coach.....the below part is for you!

What does it take to be successful?

1) Having a big heart and wanting to help people. 
2) Being focused on changing people's lives rather than being focused on money. The money will come if you add value to people's lives. This is not just in Beachbody, but ANY business. Your success equates to the amount of LIVES YOU CHANGE.

I know its hard to wrap your brain the SIMPLICITY of this. I used to think Beachbody coaching was some abstract, complex and time consuming thing. Then I realized how SIMPLE it really is. I also realized I was doing a lot of the sharing and helping, before I was a coach.

As Beachbody coaches, we have complete AUTONOMY. We GET a quality of life, for GIVING a quality of life, to others….

We LIVE every day with the desire to PAY it FORWARD by orchestrating weight loss journeys and encouraging you to DREAM BIG. Many coaches do this on the side, enabling them to have extra money to pay bills, pay debt, or afford family vacations. Some coaches, like me, have chosen coaching, at home, FULL TIME and some coaches do it solely for the discount.

As coaches our mission is to end the growing trend of obesity, diabetes and food related diseases, and also help build confidence, one small step at a time.

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