About Me

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I'm Amanda! I'm a Beachbody coach and this blog is to hopefully motivate and encourage anyone who is trying to live a healthier life style. Why do it alone? It's a proven fact that with encouragement and positive motivation from other people, you are more likely to keep going!! I'll try to have motivating tips, recipes, healthy transformations and how to get involved and join the monthly challenge groups that I run!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

February Challenge Groups

What a crazy few days since my last blog update on January 2nd!  I know I promised some challenge groups for January but guess what?  I had such an overwhelming response from my last blog post that my January groups are FULL!!!

Be prepared for February!!  I'm starting a whole new round of challenge groups on February 10th! Since the last round filled up, make sure you contact me to reserve your space.  There will be 4 groups to choose from.

*Group 1 will be a 21 day challenge and will have clean eating recipes that you can use, great tips and advice on how to conquer body image, why you shouldn't pay too much attention to the scale, form friendships, get healthy meal ideas and so much more.
                     Required: Any Beachbody program, if  you have one FANTASTIC, there shouldn't be a reason not to join!! If not you can purchase one here >>>>>Beachbody or message me and we can find the perfect program for your needs.

*Group 2 will be a 60 day challenge <<<<<<(Great video by the way) and will follow the same format as the above group, BUT there will be a little more work on your part, this will definitely make you step out of your comfort zone for guaranteed results!
                    Required: Any Beachbody Challenge pack, if you already have a Beachbody program then all you need is Shakeology, which will be a requirement as well (Challenge packs come with Shakeology).

*Group 3 will be a 7 day Shakeology Challenge and basically this group is to introduce those that have wanted to try Shakeology, but didn't want to purchase a whole supply until they knew a little more about it.  With this group we can talk about your WHY, find out exactly WHAT Shakeology is, and what types elements it can help with (like digestion, mood, sleep, sugar cravings) and HOW and WHY it helps. Also we'll focus on starting a healthier lifestyle (no exercise is required, but of course recommended)
                    Required: A 7 day supply of Shakeology.  You can buy the supply on my blog, left hand side.

*Group 4 ***The 21 Day Fix***will be one that I'm EAGER to try myself and this will actually be a trial group!!  For those that like starting new things THIS group is for you!!!  The 21 Day fix is a new program coming out on February 1st by Beachbody trainer and fitness model Autumn Calabrese.  The program looks amazing, and is Beachbody's first program to place equal emphasis on nutrition and fitness.  Each workout will be 30 minutes a day, 7 days a week (one is stretching, so it's really not going to be that bad).  The BEST part of this program is that it comes with a unique portion control system that uses specifically portioned food storage containers that eliminate the guess work.  NO calorie counting, no weighing your food, no measuring, no counting points.  If it fits in the containers, you can eat it!  How easy does that sound???  Sound good???  I think it does!!  BUT if you're still not sure, check out these two videos below.  And then message me for more info IF this is the group you're interested in!!  I'm only doing the test group with 5-6 people......so first come first serve!

So there you have it!!  Pick a group that's right for you and let's ROCK n ROLL in February!!!  Find me on my From Skinnyfat to Fit Facebook page to message me for your spot.  I can help you pick the right group, and product for your group.

On to other news!  If you haven't heard yet, then obviously you don't follow me on Facebook ;-P  The NEW Strawberry Shakeology will be coming out on January 13th!  Sooooooo what exactly does that mean, it means you need to GET IT!!  But Shakeology already has a strawberry???  Yes but that's a Vegan blend, and it's also a tropical blend.  The New Strawberry Shakeology will be creamier and allll strawberry!

 AND the best part?  You can get the new Triple box with all 3 of the most popular flavors. Place your order on January 13th!

AND ONE LAST THING!!  I'm doing a SPECIAL PROMO in February (even easier to pick a group), and I think this may interest the ladies, (and actually gentlemen out there too) so listen up!  With any Challenge pack that's purchased from ME (Challenge pack only), I will be giving out a $25-35 gift card to either Victoria Secret OR Amazon, your choice.  The $140-$160 group gets $25 and the $180+ gets $35.  Let's start February off strong and keep those health and fitness goals in reach!

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