About Me

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I'm Amanda! I'm a Beachbody coach and this blog is to hopefully motivate and encourage anyone who is trying to live a healthier life style. Why do it alone? It's a proven fact that with encouragement and positive motivation from other people, you are more likely to keep going!! I'll try to have motivating tips, recipes, healthy transformations and how to get involved and join the monthly challenge groups that I run!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Day 45 means........

I'm half way to 90 days!!  I can't believe how fast 45 days went by, and so far I'm really happy with the way things are coming along.  I feel stronger, my arms look awesome, my belly is shrinking and my upper thighs are slowly starting to firm up.  I did some measurements today and it looks like I've gone down half an inch in most areas since my last measurement 15 days ago.  I've been eating pretty healthy, egg whites with a ton of veggies for breakfast, Shakeology for either lunch or a snack after my work out.  BUT it's the dinner that's getting me at times.....I'm trying but we all know how life can be!  I'll just have to try a bit harder.  I've got the 30% gym part down, now time for the 70%.  I'd say for the week my diet is about a 60-65% healthy not 100%, I'm aiming for at least 80% or more.  So that'll be one of my goals starting TODAY!!  Sigh.....now on to goals. 

I have a lot of goals I want to hit before Devin comes home.  One of them being to complete ChaLEAN Extreme, which is obviously an easier goal for me.  My two main ones are to sign up two motivated coaches under me, I want to be Emerald so bad I can taste it.  I'm trying to go slow with this business, because slow and steady wins the race.........but it's so fun, and rewarding plus the possibilities and opportunities are AHHHMAZING once you get the ball rolling and I'm one of those people that feel the need to get that ball rolling NOW.  My second goal is to start a fun Challenge Group on July 16th.  I want to combine a group of 5 individuals for 60 days, put them in a group and let them motivate each other, share recipes, share their goals, anxieties and just mingle with other people going through the same 60 days. 

These are pretty big goals for me, but I feel they are do-able right now.  So in the next 45 days I have some big goals to accomplish, since I wrote them down for all my friends to see, I am now accountable!! 

Do you all set goals?  If so, SHARE with us some of your bigger goals for the coming months!

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