About Me

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I'm Amanda! I'm a Beachbody coach and this blog is to hopefully motivate and encourage anyone who is trying to live a healthier life style. Why do it alone? It's a proven fact that with encouragement and positive motivation from other people, you are more likely to keep going!! I'll try to have motivating tips, recipes, healthy transformations and how to get involved and join the monthly challenge groups that I run!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

I just want to say WOW!!  Thank you all that have shown me support by e-mailing, sending me messages and reaching out to me via FB, letting me know that you're there and watching my progress!!  People ask me, "how do you stay so motivated?"  The answer is ALL OF YOU!!  You all keep me motivated, because if I don't stay motivated I'm not only letting myself down and going backwards, but I'm letting all of you down.  So find a friend or two, or three to keep you motivated, don't be shy to post your workouts, because little do you know that people are watching and thinking....hey, I think I'll work out today as well!!  It only takes 21 days to make something a habit.  Now of course you'll have those few people that get sick of your posts, but hey, it's NOT their health is it?........let them be haters!  It's your FB for crying out loud!!

 Honestly, I'm loving the new workout I'm doing, well, I guess it's not really new anymore, since I've been at it for more than 30 days.  It's easy when you like what you're doing!   

So today I went grocery shopping, I can't believe how expensive it is to eat healthy.  How did this happen?  I never really thought about it until today when I went through and bought all healthy stuff, and not even organic, just healthy and my bill was MORE than when I shop for Devin and I for two weeks of food!!!  Now, hopefully this food last me the whole month at least, than I'd be a little more happy about the price.  I guess you can't put a price on being healthy really.....sigh........

So question, what is your favorite healthy meal, snack, or food?  And please post recipes if you have one!  I love new ideas, and I'm sure everyone would like some new healthy options as well! 


  1. HAHA! I always think people must get annoyed with my running posts on FB, but it does keep me motivated and holds me accountable. I know I have motivated others to run too! Haters gonna hate!!
    My favorite healthy meal right now is grilled salmon and veggies! Wish I was having it tonight!!
    Also, I would like to follow your blog, but am not seeing a place to click on to do so... maybe you can point me in the right direction!
    Welcome to the blogging world!

  2. I LOVE your running posts Katie!! They inspire me to move my butt, speaking of which, I haven't ran in like a week and a half, I need to get re-motivated to do that again with my workouts. I have no idea how to follow the blogs, I know in the "home" page I just click on the "Add" button and put in the blog URL that I want to follow, and it just shows up.....not sure if that's what you mean, since I'm so new at this! Hmmmm Let me know if you figure it out. Thanks for following me, now I can follow you too!

  3. I figured it out!! You can follow me now!! I must have sounded wicked dumb on my last comment, I just don't know what I'm doing yet with this thing!! LOL

  4. Alright, I got it now!! Glad my running posts inspire you and I love all your support! :))
