About Me

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I'm Amanda! I'm a Beachbody coach and this blog is to hopefully motivate and encourage anyone who is trying to live a healthier life style. Why do it alone? It's a proven fact that with encouragement and positive motivation from other people, you are more likely to keep going!! I'll try to have motivating tips, recipes, healthy transformations and how to get involved and join the monthly challenge groups that I run!

Saturday, June 30, 2012

60 Day Push Results

Pictures say a thousand words.....so true. The last time I took pictures, I felt the same way as I did this time around, that there would be no noticeable changes. The last time I was wrong, and this time....I was wrong again!! I'm so GLAD that I took the time to take my 1st day pictures, no matter how bad I thought they were. I'm not going to lie, I felt like I wasn't making progress during the Burn phase, and when I took those after pictures I was surprised to see the results. Once I did my measurements, I was even more pleased. I went on to focus on the Push phase for the next 30 days. I tweaked my eating habits a bit, and I added 2-4 miles of running 3-5 times a week. My 30 days of the Push phase is over, and I've lost another 4 inches off my body, making the total inches lost 10.75. I've also lost almost 3 pounds, but honestly, I'm not really that interested in the pounds.  Pounds really don't mean a thing because when I weighed this exact weight last year, I still couldn't get into some of my summer clothes. This year, I weigh the same, and fit nicely into all of my summer clothes, although I haven't been able to wear any of them due to our "summer" so far here in Oregon.

I put the measurements in the "My Progress" section, and will add a few pictures there, but I will also put those pictures here as well. Just a little note......that IS NOT my hip bone "sticking" out on the side views. It's a weird angle and shadow that the Iphone camera picked up. This has been confirmed by a fellow co-worker who was very concerned when I showed her my 60 day pictures. 

My thoughts on the Push phase. The Push Circuits were hard, the object was to lift as heavy as you could up to 8 reps, and failing at 6, 7 or 8 was good. You worked out your legs and upper body separately, the Burn and Lean phase you go to 12 reps and work out both upper and lower together. The first 2 weeks I didn't really feel any changes in my body, but after that I noticed amazing results in strength and looking more lean. I upped my protein a bit and once again, tried to watch what I ate. My eating habits were a little better than last months, but honestly......not a whole lot better. No fast food, some drinking with my girls when the occasion called, a small bite of candy bars here and there, pasta a few times, I drank my Shakeology for either my breakfast or lunch, so mostly I ate pretty good. 

Now on to the final 30 days of ChaLEAN Extreme.....the LEAN PHASE!!


  1. OMG!! Amanda!! You have a six pack!! You look great..... so fit and toned!

  2. reading this is gettin me so excited, girl. i recently finished week 2 of Burn tho so ive gotta looooong ways to go lol.
