About Me

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I'm Amanda! I'm a Beachbody coach and this blog is to hopefully motivate and encourage anyone who is trying to live a healthier life style. Why do it alone? It's a proven fact that with encouragement and positive motivation from other people, you are more likely to keep going!! I'll try to have motivating tips, recipes, healthy transformations and how to get involved and join the monthly challenge groups that I run!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Ending at 90 Days? Nope, It's Just the Beginning!!

I took my new measurements today and I'm down another .50 inches and half a pound I believe......I took the measurements to kick off my 9 week hybrid of ChaLEAN Extreme (this is the kit I got) and Brazil Butt Lift.  What is a hybrid you ask?  It's the combination of both workouts during the week.  I picked the two because I am in LOVE with lifting heavy, and also want to hyper focus on my thighs and back end, although if you do BBL by itself, it is a full body workout!  For those that like to dance, the cardio portion is for you!!

I'll be starting a new challenge group for the fall on September 3rd, if you'd like to get into it, please order by 8/27!  That'll give everyone time to save up for that workout program you've been wanting to try!  It'll be another 60 days, your choice of any Beachbody workouts!!  You can push the purple link to sign up for free on the site and take a look around.  If anyone has any questions, don't be shy!! JUST ASK!!  You can either FB me, type a comment below, or email me at Hunnieshadow@yahoo.com.  There will be a group of 5-7 depending on if you have any friends who are interested, send them my link, it's always fun to have a friend to challenge!! www.Beachbodycoach.com/Hunnieshadow.  This will fill up fast!  SO DON'T WAIT!  The Summer group is doing an amazing job and their first 30 day pictures are due at the end of THIS WEEK!!  WOW that really flew by, and these girls are sooo motivated!  They all thought, I can't do this, and were so scared to try to challenge themselves!  Don't let your mind hold you back!

So this week, I've got to take new pictures of my back end and thigh area, not looking forward to that at all!! There's still work that needs to be done.......because I want to look like this (look below)  Both Jamie and Rebecca (the girl that's running away) are both 5'2 so it's not really that crazy, right????  I'm 5'1. I know I won't get there in 9 weeks, BUT I'm thinking this next summer will be MY SUMMER on the beach, without having to suck it in, or plop down on the blanket in such a way that my stomach doesn't wiggle or do a weird fold.  Or my thighs don't do that pancake look when I relax them.  I know those goals sound a little vain, but I'm pretty sure we all have wants that may seem a little strange to others!!  My main goal is my health though, so if I never get that stomach or thighs of steel, but I'm healthy and happy and can button up my pants without a struggle or a muffin top ....then that's all that matters!!  But it's fun to look ahead and try to see what my body is capable of, because I would have never known it was capable of what I've reached in these last 90 days.

So here is my new schedule I'm following!  This is the hybrid I've been talking about:

Week 1:
 Day 1: CE Burn Circuit 1, Run
Day 2: Burn Intervals, Ab Burner
 Day 3: CE Burn Circuit 2, HITTS
 Day 4: BBL High & Tight, Extreme Abs
 Day 5: CE Burn Circuit 3, Run
 Day 6: BBL Sculpt, Extreme Core Circuit
 Day 7: Rest
 Week 2:
Day 1: CE Burn Circuit 1, HITTS
 Day 2: BBL High & Tight, I’ve Got Abs
 Day 3: CE Burn Circuit 2, Run
 Day 4: Burn It Off, BBL Abs
 Day 5: CE Burn Circuit 3, HIITS
 Day 6: BBL Sculpt, Ab Burner
 Day 7: Rest
 Week 3:
Day 1: CE Push Phase 1, Run

 Day 2: BBL High & Tight, Extreme Abs
 Day 3: CE Push Phase 2, HIITS
 Day 4: Extreme Intervals, Extreme Core Circuit
 Day 5: CE Push Phase 3, Run
 Day 6: BBL Sculpt, I’ve Got Abs
 Day 7: Rest
 Week 4:
Day 1: CE Push Phase 1, HIITS
 Day 2: BBL High & Tight, BBL Abs
 Day 3: CE Push Phase 2, Run
 Day 4: Fat Burn Challenge, Ab Burner
 Day 5: CE Push Phase 3, HIITS
 Day 6: BBL Sculpt, Extreme Abs
 Day 7: Rest
 Week 5:
 Day 1: CE Lean Phase 1, Run
Day 2: BBL Sculpt, Extreme Core Circuit
Day 3: CE Lean Phase 2, HIITS
Day 4: BBL High and Tight, I’ve Got Abs
Day 5: CE Lean Phase 3, Run
Day 6: Get Lean Intervals, BBL Abs
Day 7: Rest
Week 6:
 Day 1: CE Lean Phase 1, HITTS
 Day 2: BBL High & Tight, Ab Burner
 Day 3: CE Lean Phase 2, Run
 Day 4: Burn Intervals, Extreme Abs
 Day 5: CE Lean Phase 3, HITTS
 Day 6: BBL High & Tight, Extreme Core Circuit
 Day 7: Rest
Week 7:
Day 1: CE Burn Circuit 1, Run
 Day 2: BBL High & Tight, I’ve Got Abs
Day 3: CE Push Phase 2, HIITS
Day 4: Extreme Intervals, BBL Abs
Day 5: CE Lean Phase 3, Run
Day 6: BBL High & Tight, Ab Burner
 Day 7: Rest
Week 8:
 Day 1: CE Burn Circuit 2, HIITS
Day 2: BBL Sculpt, Extreme Abs
 Day 3: CE Push Circuit 3, Run
Day 4: Fat Burn Challenge, Extreme Abs
 Day 5: CE Lean Circuit 1, HIITS
Day 6: BBL High & Tight, Extreme Core Circuit
 Day 7: Rest
Week 9:
 Day 1: CE Burn Circuit 3, Run
Day 2: BBL High & Tight, I’ve Got Abs
Day 3: CE Push Circuit 1, HIITS
Day 4: BBL Sculpt, BBL Abs
Day 5: CE Lean Circuit 2, Run
 Day 6: BBL High & Tight, Ab Burner
Day 7: Rest

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