About Me

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I'm Amanda! I'm a Beachbody coach and this blog is to hopefully motivate and encourage anyone who is trying to live a healthier life style. Why do it alone? It's a proven fact that with encouragement and positive motivation from other people, you are more likely to keep going!! I'll try to have motivating tips, recipes, healthy transformations and how to get involved and join the monthly challenge groups that I run!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Awesome weekend!! Starting the Ultimate Reset tomorrow!

This weekend was so amazing!  My hubby came home on Friday night for a quick weekend visit and we had a blast.  It went by so quickly.....and now he's gone again to meet up with the boat to finish the rest of the patrol.  AND this is the perfect time to start the Ultimate Reset!! 

The Ultimate Reset is a three week-3 phase body detox program to rid your body of toxins, help your body with food cravings, energy,and helps your body absorb nutrients better.  This is not your ordinary cleanse or detox, but an inner-body tune up!  There are 3 phases to this program, each phase is a week long.  Reclaim is the first week, and it will reclaim my body.  I'll slowly be removing red meat and dairy which are know to place stress on the digestive system.  Phase 2 is the Release Phase, I'll be releasing toxic compounds that are stored in my tissue, unclogging my cells so they can absorb proper nutrients and I'll be eating a full vegetarian diet.  The final week is Phase 3, called Restore.  This phase will help my metabolism return to maximum efficiency and putting enzymes, pre and probiotics back into my system. 

I will be posting daily blogs to touch base on how I feel and all the great foods that are in this reset.  It's going to be hard to not work out :-(  I can stretch, do some softer yoga and walk 30 minutes a day.  They recommend NOT working out due to the "stress" your body will be going through to rid itself of the toxins that have accumulated due to all the foods we eat that are processed, or hormone-treated, pesticides that are in our fruits and veggies ect. 

So wish me luck as I take this 21 day journey!!  I can't wait to share this all with you.  If you have any questions while I go through my journey, please feel free to message me or post below. 

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