About Me

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I'm Amanda! I'm a Beachbody coach and this blog is to hopefully motivate and encourage anyone who is trying to live a healthier life style. Why do it alone? It's a proven fact that with encouragement and positive motivation from other people, you are more likely to keep going!! I'll try to have motivating tips, recipes, healthy transformations and how to get involved and join the monthly challenge groups that I run!

Friday, January 4, 2013

January Specials and Welcome to 2013!!!!

HOW HORRIBLE AM I???  I haven't been blogging like I should!!!  This past December was so busy for me I think I hardly sat down!  Now that the craziness is over, I can sit and reflect on 2012.  Honestly the first part of the year was really bad.  I had to get rid of a few "friends", and I also lost my beautiful and strong mother in law to breast cancer.  I spiraled into a small depression, eating and gaining weight and wondering WHY this happened to my husband, and WHY this happened to his amazing mom.  The women who welcomed me into the family like I was one of her own.  I can't believe in one month....it'll be a year since we lost her.  I started to come out of the fog in April, and stopped thinking about why and started thinking of how she wasn't suffering anymore and how I needed to get my crap back in order, and my mind back on track.  That's when the opportunity to become a Beachbody Coach came to me.  I thought, hey, why not take that chance and make a change both mentally and physically.  Although I haven't done much with Beachbody this last month (shame on me!!!!) I feel like I've grown so much as a person!  Who knew owning a business and working out could change someones outlook on life so much!!  And the BEST part of the whole job, is that I'm helping others get into shape and find a healthier substitution besides yo-yo dieting.  So basically from mid April and on, life has been amazing, it truly has been such a blessing!  And of course, having an amazing, selfless, hard working, husband, a husband who believes in me every step of the way.....has helped too!!  So for all of that, I'm truly blessed and hope to carry all of that into 2013!

SOOOO What have I been up to this last month?  Besides working my butt off at my full time job? I've also been doing TurboFire!  Although I REALLY love TF, I'm really, really missing my soul-mate workout.....ChaLEAN Extreme.  I've done 60 days of TF and it's CRAZY FUN, BUT it's hard to train for a 15K and Half Marathon with the intense cardio of TF.  It's just too much for me, I'm sure some people would totally be able to do it, but my body isn't taking all the cardio very well.  I know for sure I can follow the CLX schedule with the running.  SO my plan is to go back to CLX Extreme on Monday, and start TF again after the Rock -n-Roll Half in May.  I'm hoping once we make our big MOVE this summer, I'll be able to get Les Mills Pump....gotta start saving my Beachbody money ;-P

On another note.....has anyone been thinking about trying Shakeology???  Well, why think about it and just DO IT!!!  I promise (because you have a bottom of the bag, 30 day money back guarantee) that you will love what it will do for you!!!  SO to help your decision along, if you order Shakeology via HD (free shipping!) I will send you a Shakeology Shaker cup, plus the directions for the Shakeology Cleanse just in case you'd like to jump start your body for a new workout or healthy eating habit.  I WILL ALSO send TWO individual packets of Results and Recovery AND TWO individual packets of Energy and Endurance!!  Another option, if you'd like a workout program AND Shakeology......get any one of the Challenge Packs, and I'll send you a whole Shakeology Cleanse Kit ($50 value along with the 4 individual packets stated above for a value of $75)  BUT this deal will end on January 31st.  If you have any questions you can reach me here on my blog, Hunnieshadow@yahoo.com or on my Facebook fitness page From Skinny Fat to Fit.

Hope everyone had a great holiday, and a great few weeks of the New Years!  PS:  Pictures are not working on the blog today :-(  So I wasn't able to post pictures of the cleanse ect.  But check out my FB page, it has some pictures on there :-)

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