About Me

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I'm Amanda! I'm a Beachbody coach and this blog is to hopefully motivate and encourage anyone who is trying to live a healthier life style. Why do it alone? It's a proven fact that with encouragement and positive motivation from other people, you are more likely to keep going!! I'll try to have motivating tips, recipes, healthy transformations and how to get involved and join the monthly challenge groups that I run!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Fibromyalgia and Shakeology- by Rebecca

Here is the first of my two guest "speakers".  My amazing friend and fellow coach Becca was sweet enough to share her amazing story on how Shakeology and working out has helped her!  Thank you Becca for sharing your story with us!

My Journey - By Rebecca 

Hi everyone, my name is Rebecca some friends call me Becca or Becky. I'm a wife of 11 years to my amazing husband who has served in the Coast Guard now for 14 yrs. and a mother of 2 amazing but crazy boys! Darin who is 10, and Haiden who is 6!  I was diagnosed with Epilepsy by the age of 13. Then by the age of 18, right after our 1st son, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, which has been the worst, the most tiring, and most painful thing that could've taken over my life! I now have been dealing with the Fibro and meds, pain pills etc, for 10 yrs almost 11 now. The ONLY thing keeping me going through these years have been my boys and staying by my husbands side through being away from our families, and he's been there for me! Not so much the first 5-6 years, but the more he learned about this disease, and the pain it truly causes and the energy it wipes away from you, he started to understand, finally. I on the other hand have been prescribed hydrocodone pain pills for all these years. So about 5 months ago my friend Amanda introduced me to Shakeology.  She had heard, and researched a little and found that it has helped with so many diseases, aches, pains, fatigue, blood pressure, cholesterol, and has all your essential vitamins and minerals etc. So she thought I should try it. So of course I thought it over and over and finally told my husband the pain pills aren't getting it anymore I've gotta try something. If it didn't work I could send it back before the 30 days and get my money back,  what did I have to lose, what did I have to gain???  So I ordered it, almost right away I felt better and had more energy! Not like- oh my gosh I have SO much energy I can do anything. But I did have a ton of energy compared to what I did have before. I was taking a nap everyday and sometimes 2 naps but not anymore, unless of course I feel the need to have one!
Now, onto my fitness.  Now, in my eyes I'm overweight. The truth is I need to tone up, stay eating healthy, cause I've been doing great the past 2 months now, and stay committed more now than ever.  Right now I'm doing 90 days with Chalene's Turbo Fire! I am not completely off my pain meds, and do not expect to be for awhile.  I've gone from taking at least 3-5 pain pills a day for almost 11 yrs, to now taking 1- 2 and usually the 2nd is at night or towards the evening. The combination of Shakeology and working out has really helped, who would have thought!

Now I ask myself, why haven't I done this sooner? Or why haven't I heard of this? And why is Shakeology such a blessing to me, well you know you can pray and pray for healing, but you will not receive that healing til God has it in store for you. I love to help people and be there for others, if I could have the perfect job it would be doing just that. Well, God has led me to a great friend of almost 2 years now that joined beachbody to help others, then God showed her how Shakeology could help me and other people with Fibro.  Then God showed me that I can get my story out there and start helping others who deal with these same issues or even close to them. I've done a lot of Beachbody workouts, tried a lot of them but never had the mindset that I was going to change my life and help others while doing so!
 Thank you for reading "My Journey"! 

Thanks, Rebecca

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