About Me

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I'm Amanda! I'm a Beachbody coach and this blog is to hopefully motivate and encourage anyone who is trying to live a healthier life style. Why do it alone? It's a proven fact that with encouragement and positive motivation from other people, you are more likely to keep going!! I'll try to have motivating tips, recipes, healthy transformations and how to get involved and join the monthly challenge groups that I run!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Why YOU Shouldn't Buy from Ebay, Amazon ect.

I've talked to a lot of people about our Beachbody programs through out the months.  It's become a favorite topic and passion of mine, because I KNOW they work, if you haven't seen the proof in me than you all need glasses!!  Devin's been doing INSANITY and lost 15 pounds, damn I wish I would have documented his journey and taken "before" pictures before he left.  Anyways......I've done Brazil Butt Lift, P90X, bits of INSANITY here and there, and of course my favorite right now ChaLEAN Extreme.  Most people have only heard of P90X or INSANITY and ask to know more information about other workouts as well.  Then they call me up and say, "I found it on Ebay much cheaper", or "Amazon carries them as well"

Well that's all good and dandy, and I'm all for saving a buck, and to be honest, I've looked into Ebay and Amazon to find out the low down.  Here are my thoughts.  I did have a friend purchase from Ebay, when her workout came in the mail, it was all burned DVD's with a generic printed out schedule and worksheets.  NOT at all what she expected, because the picture on Ebay showed the full unopened pack of the workout she wanted!!! AHHHHH BUT she didn't read the FINE, VERY FINE print (and sometimes there is no fine print).  Then she realized, she couldn't send it back, because it says right on the Ebay sellers page.....NO REFUNDS!! (most, if not all of the Beachbody products on Ebay say this) So she was out $50.  Needless to say.....she learned her lesson!  I had another friend buy from Ebay, and half the disks where either skipping, cut off in spots, or didn't work!!  Buying from Ebay or Amazon is risky and your products are NOT guaranteed by Beachbody.  If you buy from Beachbody, and you step on a disk.....or scratch one, or wear a disk out they WILL send you a new one!  If you buy from Amazon or Ebay and something happens, you call Beachbody up, they search for you in their computer system....and????  You guessed it, SORRY you didn't buy it from your coach, SOOOO we cannot honor our guarantee.  See what I'm getting at?  You get what you pay for!!  And if you buy from me, you buy a guarantee and may I say, an amazing supporter of YOU and your goals!!  Not to mention, if you don't like your DVD's, or feel like you're not getting the results you want send them back within 30 days for a refund!  And let's not forget THIS chance to win MONEY!!   You can't do all that with Ebay or Amazon!

Now on to Amazon.......the same thing above applies, but I also noticed that Beachbody products are more expensive on Amazon compared to Beachbody, WOW!!  People, do your research!! 

As for Shakeology, you could certainly risk it, BUT if you don't like it or it doesn't agree with you, there will be NO bottom of the bag guarantee (Beachbody has one).    So you'd be out of luck!  Also, do you know how fresh the bag is?  When ordering directly from Beachbody, you know your Shakeology is fresh!!

So if anyone has any questions, I'd be happy to answer them for you!!  Don't be afraid of a little sweat....if you've been thinking of ordering something, you have nothing to lose....unless  you order from Amazon or Ebay that is ;-)  And don't forget to join up under my link for free to see what Beachbody has to offer you!!

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