About Me

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I'm Amanda! I'm a Beachbody coach and this blog is to hopefully motivate and encourage anyone who is trying to live a healthier life style. Why do it alone? It's a proven fact that with encouragement and positive motivation from other people, you are more likely to keep going!! I'll try to have motivating tips, recipes, healthy transformations and how to get involved and join the monthly challenge groups that I run!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Final Countdown and Cleanse

So I have the next 3 day off....HOW did I ever get so lucky????  This is the perfect timing to do a 3 day Shakeology Cleanse. I wanted to do the cleanse after my final 90 days of ChaLEAN Extreme, which is in 5 days (WOW) but I won't have the time to focus on it after.  So I must do it starting TOMORROW.  I've got everything ready to go, and am excited to finish up ChaLean and start a new journey.  My next project will be my lower body.  I will still be doing ChaLEAN because I LOVE IT!!  BUTT (pun partly intended) I will also be adding Brazil Butt Lift  into the mix.  Once I finish my next 90 days I plan on doing the Ultimate Reset sometime in October or early November.

Things are going better than ever, the challenge group I've started is into it's second week and kicking some serious ass, I couldn't be happier for them.  I also have so many exciting things to share once I finish up with my 90 days.  One of them being my final 90 day pictures!!  I'm a bit nervous really, but very excited for everyone to see the final 90 day results, oh, and I want my free ChaLEAN Extreme T-shirt ;-P 

If anyone would like to know more about the Shakeology Cleanse, feel free to ask!  Also if you've been thinking about trying any of the Shakeology flavors you can purchase packets from me on the Paypal link on my page.  The price includes shipping!  Also, sign up for your free Beachbody account by clicking the JOIN button on my page!

See you all in about 5 days!  I'll update you on how the Shakeology Cleanse went, and of course my pictures, and my feeling about the last 30 days!

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