About Me

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I'm Amanda! I'm a Beachbody coach and this blog is to hopefully motivate and encourage anyone who is trying to live a healthier life style. Why do it alone? It's a proven fact that with encouragement and positive motivation from other people, you are more likely to keep going!! I'll try to have motivating tips, recipes, healthy transformations and how to get involved and join the monthly challenge groups that I run!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Just a Few Things

So I'm excited to announce a few things today!!  First off, my summer challenge, The 60 Sweaty Days of Summer will start on July 16th and I couldn't be more excited!!  I have a group of 6 people that I love and care for so much, I can't wait to watch how much they change, not only physically but mentally.  The group filled up fast, so if anyone would like to get into my September group, please let me know ASAP!!  It'll be choose your own Beachbody program again, just scroll down and select a purple link that best describes you.

My 60 days have been truly a huge change for me, not just in my body, but in my mindset.  Since becoming a Beachbody Coach I've learned so much, but the most important thing I've learned, how to be more confident.  This business is more than I ever thought it would be, it's taught me so much in such a short time.  I've been truly blessed (I don't use that word often) and I'm so glad I just sucked it up and gave it a go!  I haven't regretted it for a second!! 

Second, I have my first coach signed up under me, and I can't wait to get them rolling in this business, and have them feel the way I do when I help people out.  I hope she gets the same feeling I do every time she talks to someone about Beachbody.  If anyone reading my blog has thought about becoming a coach, please feel free to contact me with any questions.  I truly LOVE talking about Beachbody and what they may have to offer you!!  I also touch base a bit on my blog under the Beachbody Coaching tab.  I'm looking for dedicated people who want to make a difference in peoples lives!! 

Lastly I'm so excited to announce that I'll be having two guest bloggers talking about their life struggles and how Beachbody has helped in some way!!  I have Rebecca (whom is also my new coach!!) and she'll be talking about Shakeology and her struggles with Fibromyalgia, the ups and downs and how Shakeology and regular workouts (she's mainly doing Turbo Fire) have helped her.  I'll also have Jill typing something up about her struggle with Type 1 Diabetes, her passion for working out (she's doing Insanity) and how she manages her day with three children and a hubby who's gone for two months at a time.  Thank you so much for your time ladies!!  I can't wait to read your inspirational stories!!  Their stories should be popping up sometime next week.

This month has been amazing, and I can't wait to keep this high going!!  One by one Beachbody will end the trend of obesity!!

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